Archive for the ‘Prayer Requests’ category

Prayer Requests

October 13, 2008

Dear Friends,

Last week slipped into oblivion for me when my husband called and said, “I’m coming home for the weekend!” YIKES! I had so much to do to get ready… what to cook, what to do… Plus the mountain of laundry he brought home to wash.

So, I believe I fell off the proverbial blog-wagon and did not get a post up on Thursday. Please, please forgive me.

Anyway. This week I am asking you to join me in prayer for our nation. We are in desperate and trying times. I have a peace about our circumstances, but I know many do not. So I am asking that God would be huge and intervene to put the man in the office of President who would best accomplish the purposes of God in our nation in the next four or eight years.

I pray that we would have an upheaval in the United States House and Senate that would turn Washington DC on its ear and begin to turn the hearts of the people back to GOD Almighty.

And, I pray that our nation would stop “sending its children into the fire.” Our children are dying and killing one another in the name of freedom. Because we are liberated we are free to forsake the sanctity of life and destroy it if we choose.

I recently watched the trial of an 18 year old young man who killed a friend/aquaintance just for the thrill of it. The boy sat emotionless as the graphic descriptions of his actions were replayed and visualized through pitures throughout the trial. Not one of the young men who had knowledge or participated in this grave act seemed to have an emotion or regret related to it. Stony faced and cold would be the best descriptions I have. The “accomplice” who got a heavy sentence for his testimony was the only young man who expressed shock, horror and disgust at the things he witnessed and participated in. However, his reason for participating is that he just owed a debt and this was how his friend asked him to repay it. If it sounds insane – it is.

But, it has been happening for decades. Gang violence, school shootings, thrill killings and drug enduced mania are all ways this society and culture have driven our children into the fires of this world. They are consumed with violence in a godless culture that requires nothing and tells them that their perception is their reality. Just last night, the news locally reported that a young man was stabbed Saturday night when he went to pull a prank by draping his ex-girlfriend’s trees with toilet paper and ended up being stabbed to death by her current boyfriend. And this was in an upscale, urban neighborhood – a place where drugs have been playing havoc on the children of their community for years. A terrifying thought. One of the parents said the boy decided not to run from the fight that was evidently ensuing but just said let me face this guy not knowing his assailant was carrying a knife.

When will we get the message as a nation that living for ourselves, our own glory and our own rights is not going to get us anything but physical and moral bankruptcy and dead children. It is making me heartsick. Lord, Help Us… We need you now! We need YOU always.

Please pray.

Prayer Requests

October 7, 2008

I’ve gotten a lot of prayer requests this week for a cure for cancer – so I’m passing that along.

You know for the last couple of years I have been burdened to pray that the assignments of the enemy against our next generation would be broken as a nation. It seems there are more and more young people dying everyday in shootings, car and other types of accidents, suicides and drug related issues. That does not even count the deaths related to undiagnosed illness, cancer, and the like. So, I am asking that you join me in praying for these assignments to be broken. Declare it for your neighborhood, your city, your state. Take back these young lives and ask God to redeem the sorrow in the lives of those who have lost children that we may be a stronger, more vibrant nation for Him rather than a broken one.

Satan only has authority in these matters where we give it to him. Though there has been a “spiritual awakening” among the church-attending, Bible-teaching community in recent years that does not change the fact that the moral fabric and the Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded (God, Family and Freedom) have been in steep decline in the last three decades. Our nation has opened the door to the enemy of God, and he hates us. No wonder we have epidemics like Aids, Food Borne Illnesses and Decaying Marriages. Children are being raised in Fatherless homes or they are being driven so hard to be “perfect achievers” that they miss the value of life. We are not handing off a spiritual legacy to the next generation of this nation as a whole – we are not. Let’s declare by Faith that we take responsibility for the role we’ve played in the decline whether it’s simply becoming complacent or whether its that we have lost sight of what is really important – or just figured our vote would not make a difference.

Let’s start asking God to be huge in our elections, our communities, our homes… And let’s start making an impact for Christ.

The Scriptures say that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven – will you agree with me that the enemy be bound out of our nation. That God would bind satan and his plans, schemes and demons against this nation OUT, declaring by faith in the name of Jesus that Satan has no authority here. We are taking back the ground we’ve lost all these years. We tell the enemy to go where Jesus would command him to go and then let’s get in the trenches and restore the foundations of faith that made this nation so great by praying them back into place. Declaring Scripture over our nation, our communities and our homes. Let’s get on our face and ask God to not only bind out the enemy but restore the heart cry of a nation that is bent on serving Him alone. We have an opportunity in this very time and place to be influencers, world changers and mighty warriors for our God. Will you stand with me?

You know the nation of Israel (The Northern Kingdom, Samaria) went into Assyrian Captivity to Nineveh long before the nation of Judah (The Southern Kingdom, Jerusalem) was exiled to Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar’s rule. But, why did they go into captivity. Because the nations took up the religious practices of the foreign nations and worshipped the pagan gods instead of the one true God. They began killing off their children in religious ritual – sending them WALKING into the fires of the Valley of Ben Hinnon as sacrifices to the pagan god, Molech.

Their leaders, like Hezekiah, who were men of God but grew prideful in their blessings and successes said things like, “If there is a curse on the next generation so be it, so long as it does not fall on me.” Which is exactly what happened. Mannasah – Hezekiah’s son who was 12 when his father died (do the math, that would mean Mannaseh was born after God gave Hezekiah 15 more years of life). Mannasah became the most corrupt, ungodly king the nation of Judah had. He was the one leading the Judahites to sacrifice their children to Molech. They were so caught up in their ritual worship that they didn’t even notice that the Babylonians had come and destroyed their city walls until their king was in captivity. Yes, Manassah was taken captive by Babylon before the first exile – where he repented. He was later released, returned to Jerusalem where he rebuilt the city wall post haste and lived the rest of his life honoring God – though it did little to turn the hearts of the people of Judah back to their God and King. A few centuries later – the Judahites went into Babylonian exile in three waves and Jeremiah the prophet stood at the city gates overlooking the exodus of Jerusalem and weeping in lament over the fall of his nation.

You can read all about the Kings who led the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah into captivity in the book of Kings and Chronicles in your Bible.

Our nation has gradually over the years surrendered our children to the fire. We are killing off a generation through apathy over abortion, by complacency in our faith and entitlement mentalities in our society. We have surrendered our rights, our beliefs and our God to a government that promises a dream that no longer exists. Why? Because the favor of the Lord does not fall on this nation. Our protection, our prosperity and our provision are all but gone – why? Because we told God we don’t need Him as a nation and He has checked out.

Two things encourage me today – James’ exhortation that the prayers of the righteous are fervent and effective. What would happen if we got on our faces for this nation – not just our own 401Ks and bank accounts. Not just because our children have died, but because we are a nation is on its way into physical captivity and we want to turn back to God and have His favor restored to our land. “

The other thing is that our prayers make a difference on the national level and that God preserves a remnant for the faithful. That means even when the world around me is chaos, I have peace. When threats are coming from every direction, I am protected. When the bank closes and the job goes away, I’m provided for. This is the way God takes care of His own, because He loves us – yes. But, also because His glory must be seen, proclaimed and evidenced even when no one else sees it! We have much to pray for, but the promises of God are true and He is faithful – we have much to be thankful for as well.


Prayer Requests

September 30, 2008

I’m praying Psalm 37 over you all this week:

“Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;
Psalms 37:3-7a (NKJV)

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that our faith in You would increase, that we would see Your good accomplished in our life as we feed ourselves and find nourishment as we find You are faithful to us – Your presence is our every need. I pray this week that delighting in You would be the desires fo our heart, that we would remain committed and steadfast in our ways toward You. I pray Lord, that Your glory would be revealed and shine from us as righteousness and justice are accomplished for all to see. We wait patiently for You Lord, we find our rest in You.

Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret–it only causes harm. ~ Psalms 37:8 (NKJV)

Help us Lord, to overcome our anger – to forsake our desire for vengeance and release of from wrath Lord. Help us to work through our anger and keep us from sinning and fretting over the things we cannot control. Help us to see the way these things are harmful in our lives and Give us Your peace, Lord Jesus.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lends; And his descendants are blessed. Depart from evil, and do good; And dwell forevermore. For the Lord loves justice, And does not forsake His saints; They are preserved forever, ~ Psalms 37:23-28a (NKJV)

Help us to know Lord, that our steps are ordered by You – Help us to see that You delight in our walking in Your way, and seeking You even in our troubles. You will keep us from falling Lord, Your Word promises it is so – that we will not be “utterly cast down…” We might stumble, we might suffer be we are not ever cast off from You because we are always in the palm of Your hand. Even in our old age Lord, let us say that we have never seen the righteous forsaken for You, O God, have provided our every need – in plenty and in tribulation You have given to us over and over again. I thank You that Your blessing will carry forth for a 1,000 generations. I pray Lord that You would protect us from evil, from the lies and the schemes of the enemy and that we would continue to do good all the days of our lives entrusting the justice and mercy that is administered in our lives to You. You do not forsake us Lord, You have preserved us forever by Your blood and resurrection.

But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, And save them, Because they trust in Him. ~ Psalms 37:39-40 (NKJV)

You have redeemed and delivered us Lord, You alone are our salvation and our strength in times of trouble. You help us and deliver us from any evil or suffering that we may face. You save us and we trust in You.

Thank You Lord, that we can see Your hand upon our lives, even in the deepest agony and despair You reveal Yourself in tiny blessings and the comfort of others. You give us revelation through Your Spirit and Intercede for us before Your Father’s throne. I thank You, Jesus, that You have gone before us and prepared the way – made them straight so that we might trust in You even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. You are our help and our strength and we declare our trust in You this day.

It is in Your Sweet Name I pray, Amen.

Please be in prayer – we’ve added a new member this week to my weekly group. Pray that each woman will hear from the Lord this week about where she is in her grief and what the Lord wants her to see in this season of her life.

My husband continues to work out of town and injured his ankle yesterday. Pray divine healing and blessing over the injury and ask the Lord to deliver him from pain and serious injury. He will not report it — he has previously broken his foot and not sought treatment because it meant missing work. He is a bit stubborn that way. Ask the Lord to give him wisdom and do the right thing to preserve his health. Continue to pray for the people he is serving in the Houston area. That God would hasten their recovery from the terrible storms and reclaim the city and area for His glory. Continue to pray for those who have gone there to work that the glory of the Lord would pour over into their lives and they would have an awakening in His presence to minister to the hurting and to pray for one another.

I am humbled and grateful for your prayers. Please leave a note about how we can pray for you.

Blessings, Michelle.

Prayer Requests

September 22, 2008

Dear Heart to Heart Friends,

This week I am asking for prayer for our family as my husband left mid-week last week to work in the Gulf Coast area to help restore telephone service there. For reasons I posted about at my personal blog, I am asking for prayer for him, for us and for all affected by the hurricane in South Texas last week.

In addition, please continue to pray for my Wednesday night class at church and the four women who are joining me there. God has put two new women in my path since my first four made a committment, so I am already preparing for the next semester as well as working this – the first one. Pray especially today that I would be able to complete the recorded portion of the lesson for Wednesday night. I am reading an extended portion for a video I am preparing for Wednesday night so pray that this 100th or so take will be the FINAL. ONE. Oh my.

I’m tired, but feeling quite blessed this week. I know the Lord will be faithful in all He has called me to… Anyway. If you feel like it – leave a note about how we can pray for you this week.

Love You, Sweet Heart Friends.


Lord Jesus,

Thank You for the word Tammy brought to us about relationships and friends who will pick up the corners of our mat for us and carry us to Jesus when we cannot carry ourselves. She is just that kind of friend and she encourages us in Your Word in so many ways.

Father God, be with each woman who visits and reads here. Help her to know that You are indeed the Maker of heaven and earth. Nothing is lost on You, no place to remote for You to see and act in You grace and mercy. You are our protector, our keeper and You take care of us. You are always acting on our behalf, and Your Son and Your Spirit interceding always before Your throne for us. We are Your chosen people, Your Beloved, Your Bride. You love us so. Reach down and embrace each one of us Lord in Your everlasting arms. Render Your mercy and mend our broken hearts, ease our sorrows and deliver us from all fear. You Alone are God and You alone are Good. You are working it all to Your Glory God and we are honored to be entrusted with the benediction of Your glory in our suffering.

In Jesus Name I offer this prayer.

Prayer Requests

September 15, 2008

Dear Heart to Heart Friends:

The week I’ve been anticipating for months has finally arrived. This Wednesday evening the first group of Heart to Heart members at Gateway Church will finally meet face to face. Please be in prayer for this group and the many things God intends to through in this first class.

I’m praying that He will be mighty, deliver healing and truth to minister to wounded souls and the overcoming power of Jesus Christ would be made manifest among us all.

Thanks so much for your support and encouragement. I’m so blessed and honored to serve you. Please let me know how I can pray for you this week.


Heart to Heart Connections

September 15, 2008
I promised to deliver the word about a blessing that is coming and it is beginning to arrive.
My friend, GratefulinGA, has agreed to share with us here at Heart to Heart so you will be reading about her daughter Lauren and her journey through the valley of the shadow of death here as the days move ahead.
Please read about her grief journey and her precious girl, Lauren, in her first post: big time glue. Be sure to leave her a comment by way of welcome and join us by sharing with us about your children as you read along.
Many blessing to all and a great big praise to our Great God for bringing in the sheaves.
Much love to you all, and especially to our new friend.
Dearest Lord and Father,
I pray you would wrap your arms around each woman who comes here to read, to share her story and to grow in grace and healing along the way. My prayer is especially for our friend in Georgia, Lauren’s mom. Thank you for sending her to join us in our heart to heart journey. I pray we all find a heart connection with one another, Lord, but most of all with YOU. You are our hope, our strength and our strong. The joy of our lives and the promise of the future. Thank you for your faithfulness and testimonies that declare You so. I am honored and blessed to bear witness to Your mercy and grace in the lives of others every day. Bless them all Lord, Bless them indeed.
In Jesus’ sweet and precious name I pray. Amen.

Prayer Requests

September 9, 2008

Okay friends, please be in prayer for the Gulf Coast residents yet again! Ike is threatening to strike with force by the weekend.My friend, Susan, and her family took a substantial hit, but God took good care of them in Baton Rouge when Gustav blew into town.
Pray for my mother-in-law who has been sick for months and is not realizing improvement. She has tests coming up on Friday, and we need answers as to what is causing her illness.
Pray for the Drews family and my friend, Joanne. The Drews young son went home to be with the Lord a couple of weeks ago and my friend Joanne is coming up on the first anniversary of her daughter’s passing.
Also, please pray for th upcoming elections and the much needed revival our country needs from Washington D.C. on down.
Finally, pray for the beginning of our group next week at Gateway. The 17th is our start date and I know the work will be hard, but those seeds sewn in tears will reap a harvest of joy. That is my prayer for each person who reads this blog this week.
Love to you all… Blessings until Thursday.

Prayer Requests

September 2, 2008

This week I’m asking for many things in prayer:

1.) The group that will begin at my church on 9/17/08. That group is for grieving moms. I have four women who I want to be in prayer for… Please pray for God to be huge, to reveal Himself and be mighty in our midst.

2.) For a young friend of my daughter, Chaz. He is 15 years old and was in a motorcross accident on Saturday. He suffered brain sheering which means that his brain has lost some significant “neuro-pathways” and will have to redevelop new paths for old ways of doing things. He is going to have to have extensive cognitive therapy and will likely have short term memory loss. He is doing better, but seemed to regress a bit yesterday.

3.) Our finances, and a potential job that has been recommended to me. Just for God’s will to be done and for us to be found faithful in whatever He calls us to.

Thanks so much ladies, and much love to you.

Lord God, I pray You show Yourself and Your glory among us. Raise up a generation of faithful stewards and warriors in our stead. We break the assignments of the enemy against the future generations of our children and declare the blood of Jesus over our households, our lives and our families. We command the enemy to go where Jesus would send Him, binding out spirits of fear and assignments of death and destruction in the name of Jesus Christ. You have place all things under His feet and we claim the victory by faith and thank you for the answer to this prayer in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.


Prayer Requests for 8/26/08

August 26, 2008

Please pray for God to be huge in our lives this week. There is a lot going on that I just don’t believe would be beneficial to get into right now. However, these are the areas where prayer is most desired: 1.) Our Finances… the pinch of the higher cost of everything is really taking its toll. I am asking God to make the way and show me the course that He would have me take…. 2.) Our Family… Protection for marriage and children. And for what seems to be the end of our grieving season for Justin. 3.) The new women’s group I’m leading… I have four women signed up and perhaps a few more on the way. God is so good..

Let me know how I can pray for you…

Prayer Requests

August 19, 2008

Dear Friends,

It seems like it has been forever since I posted, but then I realize I shared just the other day!

This week I am asking for prayer for the trip I am taking to Sauna Antonio! This weekend for the blogger’s meet up at Living Proof Live. Also, would you be so kind as to pray for my friend, Alma, her birthday is this weekend and she is just in need of prayer.

Father God,

I am so blessed and humbled by the work you are doing in my life and the lives of those around me. You touch us in the deep places of our hearts and heal us as only you can. I pray for everyone who reads this blog, that they would experince your favor, you mercy and your blessing. Comfort them and give them peace as only you can. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.